Add S.N(Serial Number)/Extra Column in React-Tables V7.

Add S.N(Serial Number)/Extra Column in React-Tables V7.

Published On: May 11th, 2023

Q. Who is this article for?

  • For those have used React-Tables and are stuck while adding S.N or extra column in React-Tables.


const fields = ['s.n', 'title', 'url', 'state'];

If columns are fetched from backend/api and you want to add the "S.N" column then

const columnFields = ['s.n'];

This will push elements of fields array into columnFields array such that:

const columnFields = ['s.n', 'title', 'url', 'state'];

Then, inserting s.n cell values:

  const optimizedColumns = => {
        if (col === "s.n") {
            return {
                Header: CapitalizeFirstLetter(col),
                accessor: col,
                /* cell values of s.n column using row.index prop 
                  of react-tables and +1 because index value start 
                 with 0 */
                Cell: (prop) => prop.row.index+1,
       else {
            return {
                Header: CapitalizeFirstLetter(col),
                accessor: col,

Assuming that you have table datas in projects array

const data = React.useMemo(() => projects, []);

const columns = React.useMemo(() => optimizedColumns, []);

Useful links: React-Tables example

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